Thursday, March 1, 2012

3 Year Olds on the Ark!

God is so good!!!!  The story of Noah's Ark is a great story for showing God's goodness and love to us!  This is a story that never gets old, and it's a story that every child should know!  We had a great time telling this story to the 3 year old!  They are so thoughtful about all the things they learn, and so eager to know so much more!

Arts and crafts are a great way to get a child thinking deeper about what the story is they are learning, and a great way to work on some important skills as well!

No Ark Day would be complete without making an ark of course!

 The kids loved coloring their ark and making it their own.  No two were alike!  They were all individually special and worked on so hard!
After making our arks. . . we actually got ON an ark and experience the flood first hand!!!
Miss Amy is such an amazing story teller, before we could board the ark, we had to hear the full story!
After hearing the story, we decided that no trip on the ark would be complete unless the animals entered two by two. . so each child got to get a pair of animals and enter the ark!
So we grabbed our animals, and boarded the massive boat!
That was one full ark!!!!
After 40 days and 40 nights of flooding. . .God made a promise, and he sealed that promise with a rainbow!
These rainbows were awesome!  The kids stacked and folded circle pieces of paper!  SO CUTE!
Noah's Ark is always a fun story to teach your kids. . .ask them about it. . . they'll tell you!

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