Friday, March 9, 2012

Wind and KITE Week!!!!

What a fun week we've had talking about wind and kites!  (And how appropriate for the weather we've been having!) 

On Monday we actually started off our week by making a kite!  They were so cute!  We actually found this idea on the Pinterest website!  ( You should check it out.  LOTS of fun crafts/projects/and activities for families!) 

We let the kids create the outline of their kite with pieces of black paper, and then they filled it in with squares of tissue paper!  It created a stained-glass effect!  SO cool!  Then we poked holes in the kite to hang a string from it. . .because everybody knows you can't fly a kite without a string! 

Miss Kelly helped the kids create their masterpieces!  She tried to work with two kids at a time, but as we began working on projects she ended up gathering quite the crowd!  They were all so excited to make their kites!
Then they got to take their kites over to Miss Barb to get their strings attached to it!  Each Kite turned out just a little bit different from the next and they were all beautiful!  The kids were so proud of their creations!
After they had a chance to finish their kites, we turned on some windy kite music and paraded around the room, dancing with our kites!  
 We also read the book "It Looks Like Spilt Milk."  When you read the book, you realize you can make everything look like something!  
Then we made a "Spilt Milk" project of our own!  
This child's "Spilt Milk" project apparently looks a bit like their Grandma!  We had a great week this week, had a lot of fun, learned some new things, and I have to tell you now to ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK!!!  Have a great week next week and we'll see you all on Wednesday March 21st!

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