Friday, February 24, 2012

Beach Day!

I have to say, today, (in my opinion at least) was the most fun day ever!!!  All the kids coming to school in swimsuits was so cute!  Add to that, sunglasses, towels, and beach cover ups, and you have a great time!!!  It was so fun to see them all come in looking ready for summer and lets not forget the sandals and flip flops! 

Today was different from every other day in every other way!  For one thing, I couldn't help but notice that not one kid touched even one toy today!  Instead, the all pretty much stuck to all the different stations we had set up around the class! 

We had Squirties!  
Not kidding:  A pretty intense water fight took place today!  Kids vs. Miss Barb!
We had Sea Shells!
We had Beach Balls and a Sandbox!
The most popular item:  MINNOWS!

"Teacher, I think this ones dead.  I'll listen to see if it's breathing. "  Not kidding. . .that's what he said!  


The kids all had so much fun playing with all this stuff!  It was like no other day.  At one point, I walked out of the office, only to be pelted by three kids wielding beach balls!  I retaliated too!  There were beach balls bouncing everwhere!  On the ground, in the air, not place was safe!  (But EVERY place was full of laughter!)  After all this we did an art project that was INCREDIBLY adorable!!!!
First we needed a footprint. . . 
Then we need TWO hand prints. . . 
 and we ended up with a LOBSTER!
Then came the most fun part of all!  Each child was asked to bring in one piece of fruit.  What we did was sit down on the floor, around a giant "table" and tried a bite of each of the different fruits.  It was so fun to see the different reactions to different tastes, textures, and flavors!  
First we tried the COCONUT!
 LOTS of kids had never had fresh coconut or coconut milk.
Some kids tried it. . .
And some (on the right) did not!!!
Then we ate the coconut!
Some kids just smelled it. . .
Some tried and liked. . .
and some tried and gagged!
 After the coconut we went on to try all sorts of other fruts, we had Blueberries, Strawberries, Clementines, Ugly Fruit, Mango, Watermelon, Bananas, and Apples.  
As you can see we had an Amazing day!!!!

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