Thursday, March 29, 2012

WiNdY DaY!

Miss Amy's Class has SO MUCH fun!  This week we worked on learning all about wind!  What better way to learn about wind than actually experiencing it!

We brought out a pinwheel to see if the wind could blow it!  You can't tell in the picture if the wind is blowing but if you look at Miss Amy's hair, you can tell it's a windy day!
You can tell the kids are just itching to get their hands on this little toy!  What could be more fun on this sunny windy day?!
It's a good thing that the wind was actually blowing today or it would have been a big disappointment for the kids to get out there and not see that pinwheel spin!  Can you imagine how much fun they would have had if there had been a kite out there blowing in the wind?!

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