Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh What Fun!

Well.  Let me start off by saying that NEVER have I seen a preschool day quite like today!  And the best part is. . .most of today was totally unplanned!  A typical school day starts with the kids spending the first hour or so just enjoying some free play and working on their art projects.  Today, however, was a bit different. 

The plan was to have a day like any other, but a few little girls changed the WHOLE thing!
You see that ADORABLY sweet little girl in the pink. . .well, she sort of flipped our day around and made it SO MUCH MORE FUN!  As the kids were getting the toys out to play, I hear a soft sweet little singing voice that grew louder. .. and louder. . .until suddenly the pink little cutie pie is belting out "The sun'll come out, tomorrow, so you better hang on till tomorrow. . . TOMORROW, TOMORROW, I LOVE YA, TOMORROW, YOU'RE ONLY A DAY!  A!  WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!"  Before you know it, we have a whole class full of little girls (and a few boys too) using the magnetic toys as microphones, belting out songs from the musical Annie!!!!!  That's a right!  A real, broadway musical, took place here today!

They certainly captured their teachers as an audience!  We thought it was the funniest, and cutest, and sweetest thing ever!  It lasted for quite some time too!  The sang and sang and sang. . .and as they sang, they began to dance!  And THAT is when our day changed!  That hour of play time we start the day with turned into Dance Party 2012! 

We turned on the CD from the movie "Madagascar" and we all danced like crazy!

 Now if the kids dancing doesn't look fun enough. . . the teachers danced like crazy too!  And so did the church secretary Sandy!!!  We sure had a fun day!

So after our dance party, the whole day wasn't lost!  We still managed to get our art project done!  Today we were painting with BUBBLES!!!  The bubbles were all different colors, and you blow bubbles and watch them pop on your paper creating a beautiful bubbly picture!

Our afternoon class may not have been here to experience Annie, the Broadway Musical, but they DID get to enjoy a dance party!
 This little guy was so into the music, that we had to clear the dance floor, he took off his shoes, and showed the kids some sweet break dance moves!

We ended our day in a REALLY fun way as well!  Since today was all about bubbles, we went outside to chalk, and blow bubbles!

What a fun way to start our week!!!  See you all on Wednesday!!!

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