Monday, May 7, 2012

Kinder Konzert!

It's that time of year again!!!  We go EVERY year and it's always a great time!  That's right. . .we packed up the Blue and Yellow Class, got on the bus. . .

 and took the LONG ride down town to the big city to visit Orchestra Hall for this years Kinder Konzert!

Now if you were there on the field trip, you know that we were instructed not to take pictures of the stage.  So I didn't.  BUT:  I did find one online to share with the families who were not able to make it.  It's  a HUGE stage, and it so pretty! 

The kids had such a fun time here!  One of the activities we did was "Sound Stage."  The kids all stood/sat in a circle and we talked about all the different sounds.

 While working the sound stage, we got some time to practice our rhythm!  We did this by singing, and clapping, and using our bodies to find rhythm.  We sure have some musical talent here at Country Kids!

We also learned about using our voice or music sounds that are soft which they called "piano", or sounds that are loud, which they called "forte."  We did this by using a parachute. . .and when it got loud we lifted up the parachute high in the sky!

We also spent some time patiently learning about all the different Orchestra Instruments.

After that we had a chance to play some music!  First up:  the snare drum!

 We also got to play the Violin!  

and even a Cello!!!

Once we got done with all the instruments we got to hear the story!  Thanks to Aurora's Mom!  This years story was called "Mama Don't Allow" by Thacher Hurd.

Thank you SO MUCh Orchestra Hall, for having us out there and thank you also to all the Mom's and Dad's who came along for the ride!  It was a great time!

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