Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dino Days!

This week we learned all about DINOSAURS!  Did you know that they are a part of God's wonderful creation?!

We made a pet dinosaur of our very own!  We talked about what we would do with our dinosaur and where we would go.  Dinosaurs make a GREAT way to get around!  We don't even have to put gas in them to make them go! 
 We also talked about VOLCANOS!  The best way to describe a volcano is to show the kids!  So we made our own volcano and watched it erupt!  The kids thought this was REALLY cool!

Check out that volcanic action!  You can't really see in the picture, but we really got that thing to blow pink foam out the top!  It was cool!  The kids were all curious how we made it work.  

Another REALLY fun activity is going on a DINO DIG!  We pretended to be archaelogists, we grabbed our picks, and dug into some "dirt" to look for bones!

It was some pretty tasty dirt!  The dirt was our snack today as well!  The kids dug and ate, and dug and ate, and then they dug and ate some more!  I mean who doesn't like chocolate cake?!  I personally would have hoped for a side of frosting, but they were quite content looking for Dinosaur bones and eating dirt!

 I have to say, I expected a much larger mess than this.  They were pretty tidy with their crumbs.  Most were confined to the table. . .and their mouths.

All in all, we had a DELICIOUS day!

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