Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our LAST Day in school!

Today is the LAST day we will be spending AT preschool!   It's hard to believe a whole year has passed and we're approaching another summer!  So much has happened and WOW have all these kids grown and changed! 

We cleaned out the classroom and had lots of fun indoor activities for the kids to do today!  Check out the hula hooping twins!  They spent lots of time practicing!  They can hula hoop with their neck!

How cute!  They even had on matching dresses!  It was so sweet!  We had more fun things too!  The boat was a hot commodity today too!  They sure got that thing rockin!

We also drew, colored, and wrote in our journals for the very last tie this year.  The kids wrote about what their favorite thing they did this year was.  They really enjoyed writing and remembering all the really fun things they did this year.

And the very best part about journaling. . .is that on the last day of school you get to look back and remember all the fun things we did and all the great memories we made!  As soon as the kids were done, they all sat down and just looked over all the pictures we took this year and all the neat things we did together.  

In preparation for the fun we're going to have at Miss Kelly's Farm. . .we talked a bit about the animals, and the the things we get from animals.  Like BUTTER!  We sat in a circle and we made butter together!  Have you ever made fresh butter?  All you need is a glass jar. . .and some heavy whipping cream!  Put the cream in the jar. . .and shake like crazy!  Spread that on your bread and enjoy some tasty goodness!  If you like, you can add a few shakes of salt into your cream to get that salty buttery taste you get from the butter you're used to.

We found that the BEST way to get the kids to sit in a circle and pass the jar while still getting the job done is to have them listen to stories while they shake and pass!  And you can't make butter unless the story you're listening to is all about farms and animals!
Of course, after MAKE butter it's VERY important that you TASTE butter!  Each of the kids to to taste the butter they made on a cracker!  They also had a special treat that one of their friends brought in. . . cupcakes!

After the cupcakes we tasted the butter!  Miss Barb spread it on crackers for the kids to try.  Some of them were a bit apprehensive at first, but then when they tried it they LOVED it!

After snack we finished off our day by cruising through an obstacle course and jumping in the jumper!  Each kid had a few turns to run through and jump!  What a great way to blow off some energy after that sweet sweet cupcake!

First they had to balance on the balance beam. . .
Then they had to hop through the Hop-Scotch Rug. . .

Then they made their way through the tunnel. . .

And over the bridge. . . 

and lastly they had to maneuver their way through the hula hoops . . . 

All of that to end up in the JUMPER!!!!  They kids went round after round, lap after lap, enjoying the excitement and fun playing with their friends one last time!
 We had a great day today and we'll see you at the farm tomorrow!  Have a great summer and we can't wait to see you back here next year or hear all about your Adventures in Kindergarten!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh What Fun!

Well.  Let me start off by saying that NEVER have I seen a preschool day quite like today!  And the best part is. . .most of today was totally unplanned!  A typical school day starts with the kids spending the first hour or so just enjoying some free play and working on their art projects.  Today, however, was a bit different. 

The plan was to have a day like any other, but a few little girls changed the WHOLE thing!
You see that ADORABLY sweet little girl in the pink. . .well, she sort of flipped our day around and made it SO MUCH MORE FUN!  As the kids were getting the toys out to play, I hear a soft sweet little singing voice that grew louder. .. and louder. . .until suddenly the pink little cutie pie is belting out "The sun'll come out, tomorrow, so you better hang on till tomorrow. . . TOMORROW, TOMORROW, I LOVE YA, TOMORROW, YOU'RE ONLY A DAY!  A!  WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!"  Before you know it, we have a whole class full of little girls (and a few boys too) using the magnetic toys as microphones, belting out songs from the musical Annie!!!!!  That's a right!  A real, broadway musical, took place here today!

They certainly captured their teachers as an audience!  We thought it was the funniest, and cutest, and sweetest thing ever!  It lasted for quite some time too!  The sang and sang and sang. . .and as they sang, they began to dance!  And THAT is when our day changed!  That hour of play time we start the day with turned into Dance Party 2012! 

We turned on the CD from the movie "Madagascar" and we all danced like crazy!

 Now if the kids dancing doesn't look fun enough. . . the teachers danced like crazy too!  And so did the church secretary Sandy!!!  We sure had a fun day!

So after our dance party, the whole day wasn't lost!  We still managed to get our art project done!  Today we were painting with BUBBLES!!!  The bubbles were all different colors, and you blow bubbles and watch them pop on your paper creating a beautiful bubbly picture!

Our afternoon class may not have been here to experience Annie, the Broadway Musical, but they DID get to enjoy a dance party!
 This little guy was so into the music, that we had to clear the dance floor, he took off his shoes, and showed the kids some sweet break dance moves!

We ended our day in a REALLY fun way as well!  Since today was all about bubbles, we went outside to chalk, and blow bubbles!

What a fun way to start our week!!!  See you all on Wednesday!!!