Thursday, February 16, 2012

All About The Dentist!

Today Miss Amy's Class learned all about taking care of our teeth!  Dentist day is always fun and there's so many thing to learn about!

The first thing we talked about the correct way to brush our teeth. . .as you all know, alligators have LOTS of teeth, and the best way to keep them healthy and ready to CHOMP is to keep them clean!

So Miss Amy let the kids each take a turn to brush the Alligator's teeth!  By the end of class, his teeth were bright, white, and VERY sparkley!  After that the kids had a turn to practice doing some more brushing.
Then they made their very own giant, bright, white, sparkly tooth!  They each had a giant tooth that they got to paint with a tooth brush!  
The paint we used was white paint, mixed with toothpaste, because no tooth is complete with out that minty fresh smell!  
Then of course, we had to add some sparkle and shine to those teeth!  
We had a blast today learning all about taking care of teeth!

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