Monday, February 13, 2012


Let me tell you, NOTHING makes your children more excited than a great big bag of candy!  They were all super pumped up getting to school, and it stayed that way the WHOLE day!  Luckily for all those kids, we have some pretty smart teachers that know how exciting days like today are!  We had a great way to let the kids blow off some steam while allowing them to enjoy their fun Valentines Day Party!  We set up an obstacle course!
We started out our course by playing Hopscotch!  

After that we moved onto jumping through hula hoops, 
and climbing into and out of the school bus.  
Then came the tricky part. . . 
we had to tackle the balance beam!  The kids were all pretty coordinated and did a really good job!  

 From the balance beam we had to crawl through the big blue tunnel.  After that came the best part! 

The giant jump house!  Each kid got a turn to jump and bounce and yell and play!  WOW do they have a great tiem doing this!

After the obstacle course came the thing the kids had all been waiting for!!!  Time to hand out VALENTINES!  This was so fun to see, they all took such pride in their Valentines that they brought for their friends!  I have to say, this years most popular Valentine was the Princess Valentines with Suckers!  Lots of little girls brought those! 
It couldn't have been any easier to hand out those cards either!  We taped their bags to the side of the table, and then the kids just had to come by and drop the Valentines into the bag!

After we handed out our cards we had a visitor from a VERY special friend. . . 
It was Sparky the Dog!  The kids LOVE sparky!!!!  Now we all know that Sparky is just a puppet, but the kids think he's great!  They all took turns talking to Sparky and asking him questions.  One question was "Where are Sparky's Feet"  Needless to say, Sparky was shocked when he looked down and realized he was a leg-less dog!  The kids sure got a kick out of him!

We ended our special day by reading a story.  The Night Before Valentines Day.  Just like the Christmas version only Valentiney!

1 comment:

  1. I think every family needs a Sparky Dog, he is so cute. Today I had the honor to meet Sparky in person and hear the beautiful story of the special hearts from Sparky : )
