Friday, February 17, 2012

Pajama Day!

Ok. . .I'm just gonna say it. . .is there ANYTHING cuter than a kid in PJ's?  I don't think so!  It is SO MUCH FUN to see all the kids come into school wearing their PJ's, dragging their blankies, and clinging onto those stuffed animals and pillow pets!  Even the teachers wore PJ's!

We started our day a little different than normal.  Typically the kids spend the first bit of time in the morning playing, and then we move on from there.  Today however, we started with a story about Daniel in the Lion's Den.  (Daniel 6)  We talked about the importance of prayer and how Daniel never stopped praying.  He prayed 3 times a day.  After our story, the kids made a project. . .

We decided to be prayerful like Daniel!  This was SO adorable. . .all those kneeling little kids so full of love for God! I encourage you to talk to your children about prayer, and not only pray for them, but allow them to pray as well

After that we spent some time hanging out with our friends and getting the chance to see everyone's PJ's.

Blue class

Yellow Class

Ok. . . now I don't normally just post a million pictures of the kids, but today I just can't resist.  I have to do it!  I mean look at all those pajamas!

Pajamas sure do bring out the silly in the kids!

 Even Miss Barb wore pajamas!
I have to say, the kids FAVORITE part of pajama day is the Movie and Popcorn!

Enjoy your weekend. . .and we'll see you next week for more CRAZY fun!

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