Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Red Class

                  The Red Class started off their day making a fall picture frame. We took all the kids outside and took their picture to put in their new frame & BOY did those pictures turn out ADORABLE!!! They are so cute I want to post them on here for you to see! :)

                We took them back inside and let them finish up making their frames.

                                         .....AND HERE IS HOW THEY TURNED OUT!!!
                                                    I loved these frames! They are darling!!

Once we finished with the frames Pastor Bert came to talk with us. Today Pastor Bert talked about how God created the world and how He formed each and every one of us. Than he prayed with the kids asking that God would help them to LOVE God  more and more each day even if they are only 3... they can still have a passion and love for Jesus!

                                                 ( SO precious!! Praying to love God more)

Miss Barb talked more to the kids about how God created the world and formed us. She used some really good examples for the kids to see and understand.

She went through DAY 1 - DAY 7 telling the kids how God made day/night, light/dark, planets and stars, land/sea, plants/animals...

                      of all He made US! With everything He made He would say "Let it be" and it would be! BUT with US He formed us and took time with us and delighted in us! He BREATHED the breath of life into us!

 Miss Barb used play-dough to show the kids how God formed Adam and breathed life into him. Than He took a rib from Adam and made Eve from Adams rib and He breathed the breath of life into Eve and she was formed!

                            When God finished with everything He said... IT IS SOOO GOOD!
                  We all spent time asking Jesus to help us love Him more! It was a very neat day!!

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