Monday, October 8, 2012


Today in the Blue class we had a lot going on! We started the morning off first by writing in our journals. The subject for our journal entry was "My favorite part about the Apple Jacks Apple Orchard field trip." We helped Miss Barb make some frames for our leaf craft we will be doing on Wednesday! Then Pastor Bert came and read a story to us. After that we did show and tell and than read a story helping us count to 10 with Miss Marcie. Finally we ended the day with Birthday cupcakes from Anne Marie! It was a very good day today!

                                          Miss Kelley helping us write in our Journals!

Pastor Bert came to share Gods word with us! The story was Noah's Ark
 Pastor Bert asked some really good questions. Did you know Noah built the ark in a desert? It took A LOT of faith in God to obey by building that ark in a desert! Do you know what rainbows are for? God's promise to never flood the earth with water again! Pastor Bert told the kids that every time they see a rainbow they can tell their friends and family that the rainbow points to Heaven, to God and He sent the rainbow as a promise and that is how we know HE LOVES US! What a cool reminder and symbol of love!

                Pastor Bert closed the story of Noah's Ark with Prayer.
 How precious, all the kids bowing their heads and praying. Thank you Pastor Bert for the awesome Message and Prayer! We look forward to hearing from you each week!

Miss Marcie led show and tell today! The kids had a lot of fun showing off their cool stuff! 

 Can you believe that Anna Marie's dad and her made this gadget together? It was battery operated and you push a button and a disk comes flying out! Suoer neat!

 Miss Marcie read us a story that helped us with our counting skills! We used leaves to count from 1-10 with some really silly actions and rhymes!

 We celebrated Anne Marie's Birthday with cupcakes...YUM!!!

 Look at all these blue lips from the frosting! Silly kids!

Thank you Anne Marie for the Birthday Treat! We had lots of fun eating and taking pictures of our blue lips!

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