Monday, October 8, 2012


 Today we had lots and lots going on! We started off the day doing a fun fall craft! Miss Barb walked all the kids through a leaf craft. What you do is take two different colored leaves place them on a cutting board, tape fabric over them and use a hammer to pound the fabric onto the leaf. This made a really cool color and imprint on the fabric! We used one red leaf and one green leaf. Miss Barb talked to the kids about how leaves have ink in them and that even the Indians used leaves to make color In their fabrics! Its kind of a loud craft, but the end result is very neat! The kids had a fun time doing it! The blue class will be doing this project on Wednesday, we are looking forward to doing this project with them!
                          Take a look:

 After we finished the craft we did our letter of the day "F f". Miss Kelley helped all the kids make a big "F" and a little "f". Most of the kids really enjoyed it! I was so impressed by how well they did with their writing!

When we were finished with our letter of the day Pastor Bert came and shared a Bible story with us a prayed. The story Pastor Bert shared with us today was the story of Noah and the Ark. It took a lot of faith for Noah to obey and trust in God to build an ark in the Desert because a flood was coming! Pastor Bert explained to the kids what a rainbow was. It is a symbol of Gods promise to never flood the earth with water again! He told the kids that every time they see a rainbow they can tell their friends and family members that the rainbow points to Heaven and to God, and we can remember that He sent it as a promise to us that He will never flood the earth again! That is how we know that Jesus loves us! What a cool symbol of love! Thank you Jesus!

                                                       Prayer time, so precious!

When Pastor Bert was finished with the story we sang a song with leaves to help our counting skills! The kids got to take turns standing up and waving a leaf and falling down. We counted from 1-5 and than 1-7. The kids enjoyed this fun way of counting!

                               Our day ended with the parachute with leaves in it! SO much fun!

 We had a great day filled with learning and counting and singing! Best of all we heard an awesome story of Jesus's love and redemption!

                                                         *see you next time*

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