Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Welcome to Outer Space!

WOW did we go on an adventure today!  We traveled further away than we ever have!  So far in fact, that we were out of this world!  We went to Outer Space!  It's DARK in space!  So dark that we had to use flashlights to find our way through the solar system!

And as everybody knows, you can't go to space unless you're dressed in a space suit!  Can you imagine the dangers of heading into outer space without your helmet?!  I suggest no such thing!

So once you're all geared up and ready to head to space, the most logical next step once you get to space is to find your space station. . . and I'm sure you all know that space stations are shiny silver places just like this!

Once you get to space, there's a LOT of exploring that needs to be done, you have to dig through all the space rocks to find what's hidden in there.

We sure had a busy day learning all about space!  It was so fun to spend our day in the dark! 

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