Friday, April 13, 2012

Little Birdies!

Is there anything that makes you know spring is here more than the chirping of birds?  Let me say, that even before the weather is warm, and even before the grass turns green, you can hear the sounds of spring!  This year we heard them much earlier than we have in years past! 

This week Miss Amy's class learned all about birds!  With it being Easter time, we colored eggs too!  And everyone knows that eggs come only from one place:  BIRDS!  That's right! 
The kids each got to decorate two eggs, and how beautiful those eggs were!  They had a great time decorating their Easter eggs and learning about birds!  
 Can you think of a better place to put those beautiful eggs than an Easter Basket?  How cute!
Along with our Easter Eggs we did another fun Easter activity!  The kids got to put together a small package of Jelly Beans!  But these weren't just any jelly beans. . .they were very special Easter Jelly Beans with a very special meaning behind them.
Each child got this card to take home that tells them what every color of jelly bean means, They also got to put together the bag of beans all by themselves! 
There are so many fun things to learn about birds, like just how different we all are!  People are not like birds at all, and birds are not like people at all!  As humans we depend on our hands for so many things.  We use our hands for many many purposes, and one of those purposes is eating!  Birds however, do not have hands to feed themselves with.  They have to peck at their food with their beaks, but people don't have beaks!  Can you imagine how hard it would be to eat those tiny seeds without hands?  Well, your kids know exactly what that's like!
 Check out those cute little birdies eating their bird seed  (sunflower seeds) with their beaks!
 Looks like it was easier for some than others, but they all gave it a try! 
 Can you imagine seeing your child sit down at the dinner table and trying to eat a meal like this!  Praise God for our hands. . .and silverware!
 Some of the kids really enjoyed each and every salty seed!
After eating our bird seed and filling our tummies we played a few rounds of Bird Bingo!  How fun to see all the different kinds of birds and be able to look and identify them while playing a game!

After playing Bingo and learning all about what birds eat, and how they move, and all those other things we still had a few things to learn.  Like where do birds live? Where do birds sleep?  To help answer these questions we made a fun activity for it!  We made nests!
 All nests are made of twigs (chow mein noodles) and mud (melted chocolate.)!  Every spring, when the birds come back and build their nests, they always leave something special in their nest. . .eggs (M&M's and Skittle.)!  Now those sound like great nests! 

 Our very last bird activity was bird watching. . . and the best way to bird watch is through a nice set of binoculars!  Each child got to make a set of binoculars to watch the birds with!  

Thanks for learning all about birds with us and I can't WAIT for our next big adventure!

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