Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Trip To COBORNS!

Monday was a VERY exciting day for us!  It was our first field trip of 2012!  We went to Coborns to see just how the grocery store works!  We started off our day at the service counter. . .
At the service counter we learned about all sorts of things you can do there like buying stamps.  Another thing you can do at the service counter is bring on clothes for dry cleaning!
After the service counter we went back to the pharmacy, and then we went through the Natural and Organic Section of the store!  I have to admit, I don't make my way through that section much. . .and was shocked to see a $8 pound of butter!  Yikes!
After the Natural Foods section we got to go into the BIG BIG FREEZER!  We also got to meet Brad, the freezer guy!  He was really nice!
 It was COLD IN THERE!    She was still freezing when she came out!
 After the freezer we went to the Milk and Eggs section of the store!
 We talked all about where milk and eggs come from!

 There's a lot more in the dairy section than just milk and eggs. . .like cheese, yogurt, sour cream, and much much more!
 After we made our way through the Milk and Egg section we got to go into the great big refrigerator!
 This refrigerator is kept at 32 degrees!  Chilly! 
 After the refrigerator we got to see the Big Green MONSTER!
After the Big Green Machine. . .we had to take a bathroom break. . .
 It was definitely a popular place to hang out!  Check out the line for the bathroom!
 Once that was taken care of we headed over to the MEAT section of the grocery store to visit the lobsters!
 They were quite the hot commodity amongst the kids!
 They even brought one out for everyone to look at!
After the meat department we came to the produce department!
 We got to look at and touch lots of interesting fruits and veggies!
 A lot of kids had never heard of Jicama before!
 Now this is just a matter of opinion, but I think Coborns has some of the BEST produce around!
 After produce came the kids FAVORITE PART. . .
 The Bakery!

 Look what the Bakery made for us!
 The kids all did a great job waiting for their piece of cake!

After waiting for cake. . .it was time to EAT CAKE!
After cake we wandered through the frozen foods section. . .
 and then headed back up front!  We all stood in front of the security camera so our whole class could be on TV!
 This is what the security cameras captured!
 Our last and final stop on our trip was the breakroom where all the Coborns Employees come for a meal or a few minute break while they're working!
 At the end of the field trip each child got to take home a bag of fun stuff to enjoy! 
THANK YOU COBORNS for letting us come visit!

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