Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Blue Class

We started off the day by decorating giant paper gingerbread men!

Than we were all hard at work!

We took a break from all our hard work and thinking to visit Pastor Bert in his office for a Bible lesson.

We learned about how God asked Abraham to sacrifice is son, and Abraham was obedient and was going to do it! At the last minute God said, "STOP!" God provided a lamb for a sacrifice instead of Abraham's son. God blessed Abraham for his obedience. Pastor Bert shared with us how the GREATEST gift we will ever receive is God sending His son Jesus to die for our sins and if we believe in Him as our Savior we will be saved! What an amazing gift!

After the lesson from Pastor Bert, we went back into our classroom to hear the "Gingerbread Man" story from Miss Marcy. It was a fun twist of a gingerbread boy that was made at school by students and he hopped off the baking pan to go find the children that made him! "I will run fast and find them because I am their gingerbread man!"



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