Thursday, September 13, 2012





                                           Little Artists!

Today we started off the morning with some painting and crafts!!!  Everyone was SO focused as they painted. I must say, I think we have some artists in the making here at Country Kids Pre- School!



                                       (Who loves you??)

For our story we had a VERY special surprise guest......SPARKY the dog!!! Sparky shared with us how MUCH Jesus loves us!! He had a special book that he kept close to his heart...the Bible! Sparky taught us how important it is to learn from God's word. The Bible teaches us soo much and it tells us of the deep, deep love that Jesus has for us! Sparky got the kids all excited about their Bibles! Thank you Sparky!!!!


                                     ..::Show & Tell::..

This was the most anticipated moment of the day.... SHOW AND TELL!  Some of the kids brought their most favorite toy! It was soo much fun watching them show off their favorite items!! take a look:

 We had a blast today!!! Cant wait for the next class!! Next show and tell make sure you dont forget to bring an item!

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